Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Social Skills for the Workplace...

Easter Seals Hawaii presents….

“Social Skills for the Workplace”
A 10-week Class for Young Adults with Aspergers


This 10-week course will teach participants the necessary social skills needed for success in the workplace. The class will focus on using video self modeling and incorporating strategies and concepts of the SCERTS program model as means of teaching, practicing and refining social skills. Video self modeling is an intervention procedure using the observation of images of oneself (videos we will be making in class) engaging in behaviors that are needed for success in the workplace. These videos will be edited into 2-4 minute vignettes and repeatedly reviewed to learn new skills and build success. The SCERTS model is a comprehensive model designed for students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The model is designed to provide guidelines for helping individuals progress through the stages of becoming a competent social communicator. The use of visual supports and other adaptations will be used to increase independence and success in the class. And….learn how to make movies!

Intended Participants:
This training is most appropriate for students ages 16 – 21 with ASD that are interested in obtaining or actively engaged in employment opportunities.

Parent Orientation:
There will be a parent orientation on November 17th from 5:30 pm – 7:30 pm for family members who are seeking an introduction to philosophy and practice in the SCERTS Model and Video Self Modeling.

**To RSVP for the class, please contact Lynette Reconsal at 808) 529-1794.**