Monday, January 4, 2010

Creating an Action Plan (AP)

Creating an Action Plan (AP) under a New Referral Quick Reference by Cheryl Sato, CSSS RT.
1. Add Contact(s) - General Education Teacher
2. Create Student Team
--General Education
--Others as necessary: Principal, Counselor, etc.

3. Create Referral
4. Create Current Performance (CP) in DEFINE NEEDS Stage
5. Create Action Plan in PLAN Stage
--Add HCPS III Benchmark(s) and/or GLO(s): Current Performance Tab
--Add SUpport(s): Supports Tab
--Add key dates and meeting information: Actions Tab

6. Request Service Provider
7. Service Log

AP REVIEWS: Update Concern in Referral then create an AP Review under the PLAN Stage.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. If the student already has an IEP, creating an AP would begin at step 5.
    For non-SPED, New cases you would begin at step 1.
