Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Project Forum's aim is to facilitate improved services to children and youth with disabilities by gathering and sharing information that supports changes to policy and practice at the national, state and local levels.

Each year, Project Forum:
>identifies 15 critical topics within the field of special education;
>conducts policy analyses on these topics;
>convenes policy forums on two of these topics;
>distributes information that will contribute to better results for children with disabilities.

Our primary consumers are administrators of IDEA programs (i.e., state and local directors of special education and Part C and 619 coordinators). However, our products are written in a reader-friendly manner and we hope they will be useful to others.

If you have not done so already, please search Project Forum's database of over 100 documents related to special education.

1 comment:

  1. Forwarded by Kate O'Malley:

    The following Project Forum document was recently prepared under Federal Cooperative Agreement H326F050001:

    Early Childhood Mental Health Services: Four State Case Studies

    This in-depth policy analysis provides a background of the early childhood mental health (ECMH) focus of many organizations and legal elements of why it is essential that children with disabilities be included in a comprehensive mental health system. Findings from interviews with four state early childhood staff (i.e., the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Part B section 619 and Part C staff) were conducted around select components of mental health: Connecticut – consultation; Michigan – preparation and professional development; Ohio – partnerships; and Illinois – finance. Findings include that a variety of staff at a mental health agency and staff for Part B, Section 619 and Part C share responsibilities related to ECMH. Data is also collected through a statewide ECMH partnership and some individual programs; however none of the states has developed a uniform or coordinated data system for ECMH. All states indicated a need for changes in Medicaid policy to accept coding from the Diagnostic Classification of Mental Health and Developmental Disorders.

    click here to view document PDF
