Thursday, January 7, 2010

Pearson is offering a free webinar on implementing RTI at the secondary level...

Implementation of RTI (Multi-Tier, Coordinated, Early Intervening Services) at the Secondary Level

Date: Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Time: 1 p.m. EST


REGISTER: copy this link directly into your browser:

Staff development regarding response to intervention (RTI) has focused almost exclusively on the elementary level. Although there are many similarities in terms of design principles (e.g., multi-tiers, early intervention, evidence-based practices, progress monitoring), there are a number of fundamental differences. This webinar will make explicit the differences and promote the focus on high quality content area instruction (pedagogy) and a need for a clear and explicit model of special education service delivery. This webinar will provide guidance as to what skill sets and service delivery structures are necessary to implement RTI in middle and high schools to meet the instructional and behavioral needs of secondary students.

Webinar Participants will:
1. Learn how to identify what their middle and high schools have in place or need to build with respect to the intervention foci at Tiers 1, 2, and 3, screening, intervention components, and progress monitoring tools in content area courses (i.e., a high quality grading system) and basic skills (Curriculum-Based Measurement).

2. Clarify their special education service delivery model specifying what direct and indirect services are delivered and to whom.

3. Identify components that provide the necessary supports to ensure content area and behavior support success for all students.

Presented by: Mark R. Shinn, PhD

Dr. Shinn has been supporting schools nationwide to implement RTI since 1980 when he began implementation in St. Paul Public Schools and 2 years later, Minneapolis Schools. After almost 20 year’s work at the University of Oregon, where he was a Professor of School Psychology and special education, he returned to the Midwest to teach at National-Louis University in Chicago. He current serves as the project director for Illinois ASPIRE North, a state- and federally funded project supporting implementation of RTI at the elementary and secondary levels in Illinois. He has edited five books on Curriculum-Based Measurement (CBM) and evidence-based interventions and has published over 75 journal articles and book chapters on CBM, needs-based service delivery systems, and SLD identification. In 2003, he was awarded the APA Division 16 Jack Bardon Award for Distinguished Career Contributions to the field.

This Idea was sent by Gina Scheper, Ed.S., NCSP School Psychologist, Aiea Complex

1 comment:

  1. Mark R. Shinn, Ph.D.National Louis University presented: Implementation of RtI(Multi-Tier Early Intervening Services) at the Secondary Level for Pearson in an RTI Webinar Series. CLICK HERE to view his slides PACKED with good resources, websites, references and information.

    Visit for more information and resources.

    He also provides a number of documents available to download for professionals which can be found on his website of you can CLICK HERE.

